MyCiti bus service

Category Property News

 “By adding another 150 000 km to the service each month, we will bring the MyCiTi service closer to more commuters and to where there is a demand,” says Brett Herron, Cape Town Transport and Urban Development MMC.  “For example, we will extend popular routes in the inner city, Table View, Atlantis and Century City with 29 new bus stops.”  Some underutilised stops will also no longer be served.  Also, some of the routes will be replaced with new direct routes to popular destinations. For example, a new route will serve District Six and Zonnebloem; three new stops will be added to serve the Parklands East area; a direct route will operate from Table View to Duynefontein via Melkbosstrand and numerous stops have been added to the routes in Atlantis to better serve Beacon Hill and Sherwood.  Herron says it is important to note that all of the new stops will be temporary for a few months, in order for the city to monitor passenger demand and the suitability of the location before spending money on permanent infrastructure.  He expects the new direct routes to destinations such as the V&A Waterfront and Sea Point to be popular as no transfers will be required.  “The purpose of these changes is to improve the MyCiTi service to make it more convenient for commuters and easier to use,” he adds.  “Cities are constantly evolving and Cape Town is no different. People move around and adjust their lifestyles, and public transport services around the world must respond to these changes.”…

Creamer Media Senior Deputy Editor

Edited by :  Wendy Wentzel for Rawson Commercial

Author: Irma Venter

Submitted 09 Oct 18 / Views 1880