Rawson Annual Awards - 2016

Category Industrial


Rawson Commercial National Annual awards was hosted at the execujet   Hanger in Cape Town. The awards were attended by all Rawson Branches through South Africa. One of the many branches that attended was Rawson Commercial (Cape Metro Blaauwberg) represented by Gary Vos & Mike Abrahamse as Franchisees, together with the commercial brokers.

Rawson Commercial (Cape Metro Blaauwberg) was honoured with three awards in the commercial category.

1) As a branch, Rawson Commercial (Cape Metro Blaauwberg) were awarded with the 1st  place For Highest net Commission Earned in  rentals, nationally for the  period  November 2015 to October 2016.

2) Rawson Commercial (Cape Metro Blaauwberg) received the same award for period May 2016 to October 2016.

3) Gary Vos was awarded for his hardwork and honoured with the 1st  place for highest fees earned, Nationally, for the period November 2015 to October 2016.

4) Gary Vos received the same award highest Nett Commission earned Rental, Western Cape Region for the period May 2016 to October 2016

5) Walter Katzeff  was awarded for his hardwork and Commitment with the 3de place for highest fees earned, Sale Western Cape , for the period May 2016 to October 2016

6) Gavin Rudolph  was awarded for his hardwork and honoured with the Second place  for highest fees earned, Rental Nationally, for the period November 2015 to October 2016.

4) Gavin Rudolph received the same award  Second highest Nett Commission earned Rental In  Western Cape Region , for the period May 2016 to October 2016

5) Gavin Rudloph   was awarded for his hardwork and Commitment with the second Place  for highest fees earned, Rentals in the  Western Cape , for the period Nov  2015 to October 2016

Author: Rawson Commercial (Cape Metro Blaauberg)

Author: Rawson Properties

Submitted 09 Dec 16 / Views 1796