Warehousing design and Layout

Category Property News

Warehousing design and layout   

Consider ‘where’ the Facility will be Located?

The location of the proposed warehouse facility is likely to be a key driver of implementation and on-going transport costs.

Warehouse Performance Specifications

The warehouse requirements must be factored for growth in inventory, throughput velocity, fulfilment and despatch. These then form the performance specification which lays the base for the warehouse design options.

Warehouse Goals

The criteria, by which each warehouse design option is judged, are set. These can include, acceptable ROI, implementation costs, operational costs, image, flexibility, dependence on labour and many more.

Warehouse Constraints

The constraints that will shape the warehouse design options need to be identified. These will include amongst others, IR issues, capital, IT systems, risks, timing, clients capability, site/building availability etc.

Warehouse Options Design & Layout

A number of warehouse layout options need to be designed and costed.  The costing includes implementation and warehouse operational costs and the client’s preferred ROI formula is applied to each option. The designs include high level CAD drawings of the warehouse layout and materials handling equipment, manning levels and probable warehouse expansion options.

Warehouse Preferred Option Identification

The warehouse options designs, with implementation and operational costs, are then presented and marked against the Performance Specifications, Goals and Constraints. Operational staff, potential suppliers, IT, sales etc. can be asked to provide input. The client can make an informed decision as to the preferred option.

Detailed Warehouse Layout and Design

The detailed layout and design of the preferred facility option will include, performance specifications, equipment layout, facility footprint and building design and cost, (new building), specification of static and mobile materials handling equipment, high level process design, detailed implementation and warehouse operational costs.

Edited for Rawson Commercial Blaauwberg, from the desk of

Wendy Wentzel

Original article

Author: Wendy Wentzel

Submitted 27 Sep 18 / Views 1161